Learn-to-Row Programs
Lake Macquarie Rowing Club has a three tiered structure to tutor you in the techniques and safety aspects of rowing. You enrol in each stage separately if you wish to progress to membership of LMRC. At the conclusion of Stage 3 you will be invited to join the club to further your rowing experiences and if you desire, to represent us in competition at one of the various regattas held around our area.
Learn-to-Row sessions are conducted every Saturday and Sunday at 7am. Our program starts with Stage 1 comprising four (4) lessons of around an hour each. This Stage allows you to decide whether rowing is for you. Stages 2 & 3 both comprise eight (8) lessons and aim to further your rowing experiences. Stage 3 payment fee is deducted from the yearly membership if you wish to then join the club, however this is dependant on when during the season you successfully completed Stage 3.
If you wish an overview of each Stage, please down load the attched files.
In the first instance it is suggested you make email our Club Captain who is also our LTR Co-ordinator. If you prefer, phone details for the Club Captain are provided under the tab "About" and then "Committee".
If you wish to proceed then complete the registration process including registration with Rowing NSW as a "Recreational Member" (this covers your insurance) through either the "Home" or "Membership" tabs.

Lake Macquarie Rowing Club
Edwards Park, 1B First Street, Booragul NSW, Australia 2284