
Lake Macquarie Rowing Club Inc.


V-Insurance Group is the appointed Insurance broker for Rowing NSW.  This program covers Rowing New South Wales (Rowing NSW), all affiliated Clubs, schools and members. The policies which have been arranged provide protection for members at all levels across the rowing community.

This program incorporates five covers;

  1. Public Liability & Products Liability
  2. Professional Indemnity
  3. Personal Accident
  4. Management Liability (Directors & Officers Liability)
  5. Cyber Liability and Privacy Protection

For full details, "click" on  https://vinsurancegroup.com/rowingnsw/

YOU MUST at the commencement of each season (July each year) or when you start rowing with us, hold membership with Rowing NSW as a "Recreational Member".  Refer Rowing NSW website www.rowingnsw.asn.au under the Membership tab. 

Payment is direct to Rowing NSW, not to LMRC.  

This is for your protection and coverage under these insurances.  This registration is for the entire season 1 July to 30 June each year. 





Lake Macquarie Rowing Club

Edwards Park, 1B First Street, Booragul NSW, Australia 2284

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