Fork-to-Fork Time Trial No.2


Sat 10 Oct 2020 06:00 — 07:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

The next time trial is on the 10th October 2020. If your entering, please email your crew names to the Club Captain (Ann Campbell) by the Thursday evening prior to the event date. This is to allow a starting order to be determined.

These time trials are open to ALL rowers of ALL abilities in our club and not just those who are registered as Regional Competitors. Also, rowers from other clubs may be invited by you if they wish to participate. Details of each event shall be published on the "HOME" page.

Please note:

  • A race briefing is to be held at 5:45am at the boat shed and each crew will be issued with a Race Number corresponding to the order in which you will start.
  • Rowers to leave the Boat Shed at 6:00am and assemble up the top end of the creek with the first competitor leaving the start at 6:30am.
  • Each competitor thereafter will set off individually at 1 minute intervals.
  • You may row any type of boat (single, double or quads), but if you decide on a crew boat you must retain the same crew for all trials otherwise any crew changes shall be classed as a new crew.
  • You will not be racing other rowers, you will be racing yourself attempting to better your fastest time.
  • Points shall be awarded based on your results each month and at the end of the season the points winner or winning crew shall receive a $100 voucher.
  • The course length is approximately 2,700 metres

It is also imperative that RMS Navigational Rules are adhered to. You must finish between the furthest Green Buoy and the western bank. This is for your own safety as we wish to do the right thing by other craft travelling up Cockle Creek.

Files for download
Time Trial No 2


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