
Lake Macquarie Rowing Club Inc.

Safety on the Water

LMRC has an OH&S policy which covers on and off water operations.

All rowers must be able to swim at least 100 meters otherwise a Personal Flotation Device (PFD) is to be worn at all times in the boat.

Members are asked to check the weather conditions before rowing and not row if a lightning storm appears imminent, the temperature is excessively hot (greater the 36 deg.), there are gale force winds or where visibility is poor.  Rowing before sunrise or sunset requires a white light that is clearly visible for 360 degrees.

Inexperienced rowers are not permitted to navigate up the adjoining Cockle Creek without a coach or experienced coxswain with them.  When learning to row, much emphasis is placed on correct handling of boats to avoid injury and or damage to boats.

When rowing all rowers observe maritime navigation rules to avoid incidents of collision. 

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